The Wood Industry Menu Heritage and ToursSceneries and MenHistory of MenGeology and ClimateLandscapesHautes-VosgesThe “Plateau des Mille Etangs”Fougerolles and Val d’Ajol ValleysBallons of Franche-ComtéVosgian ValleysHaut-Rhin ValleysWine-growing FoothillsNatural HeritageForestsOrchardsHigh StubbleLakes, Ponds, PeatlandsRavines, Cliffs and Scree SlopesCalcareous GrasslandsLocal Products and CraftsmanshipThe Park Certification LabelDrink ProducersThe Granite IndustryThe Wood IndustryMeat ProducersMedicinal and Aromatic PlantsMineral and Natural Spring WatersFruit and VegetablesProductsFougerolles Orchards and KirschFish FarmingVosgian Cattle BreedCheesesSmall Fruit, Aromatic and Medicinal PlantsAlsatian WineSmoked Meats and AndouillesFarmhouse-InnsFarm ShopsCraftsmanshipTextileGraniteLava SandstoneWood industryFarm MarketsCultural HeritageThermal HeritageIndustrial HeritageFarmsCountry of Art and HistoryReligious HeritageIntangible Cutural HeritageHeritage and MemoryCastlesThematic Roads and TracksTourist RoutesTreetop Adventure ParkBarefoot TrailsEnvironment Awareness StructuresParks and Botanical GardensMuseums and Heritage SitesThermal BathsVenues for Shows, Exhibitions and FestivalsAt the Park DoorsColmarRemiremontBelfortLureMulhouseLuxeuil-les-BainsSaint-Dié-des-VosgesNature activitiesSylvotherapyNordic WalkingGuided Walks and Discovery trailsLandscape walks along the Crest RoadA Farm, A HikePedestrian HikesClub Vosgien / Club Alpin (Vosgian / Alpine Clubs)Reception Centres for Educational StaysTrail RunningMountain Biking and Cyclo-TourismEquine ActivitiesClimbingHang GlidingAeromodelismFishingWater SportsWinter ActivitiesNature staysCamping in Nature‘Valeurs Parc’ certified Furnished Accommodation and GuesthousesHotels and restaurantsThe national certification label ‘Valeurs Parc naturel régional’ rewards farmers, craftsmen, and manufacturers who undertake to uphold the values of the ‘Valeurs Parc naturel régional’ certification label. It represents three strong values: human, environmental preservation, and attachment to the territory.The Park’s territory is largely covered by forests; farmers would traditionally manufacture wooden objects, mostly for breeding and cheese processing. Today, some craftsmen design and make decorative objects as well as children’s toys, such as animal-shaped puzzles, coat racks, and lamps. Maple wood, a beautiful local wood, is given pride of place. Other species such as acacia, walnut, cherry, and apple trees are also sought after, provided they are of local origin. These original objects are decorated with great care or customised upon request. Along with the Park, craftsmen undertake to preserve the environment, e.g. in terms of waste disposal. Wooden cladding is used to wrap the structure of buildings. Traditionally, it was used on valley farms, small mountain barns, and certain industrial buildings since forest resources are plentiful across the Park’s territory; two-thirds of which is covered by forests. Today, these wooden boards can be fitted on new buildings as well as give a new lease of life to faded facades. They can adorn all material types such as concrete, wood, and masonry, and can take a more contemporary form depending on individual tastes and locations. The boards are made from wood harvested in the Vosges forests. Naturally sustainable species such as larch, Douglas fir, pine, and sweet chestnut are favoured. Others like fir and spruce must be treated in compliance with the relevant health & safety and environmental regulations and ‘Centre Technique du Bois’ standards. Cutting trees during the sap-free period promotes the natural preservation of the wood. From selecting the wood in the forest to cladding, the product manufacturing – which takes place on the Park grounds – requires the skilled expertise of many trades: foresters, sawyers, carpenters, and joiners. A number of craftsmen are committed to a High Environmental Quality approach (HQE®). See list of ‘Valeurs Parc’ certified wood companies.