Fougerolles Orchards and Kirsch Menu Heritage and ToursSceneries and MenHistory of MenGeology and ClimateLandscapesHautes-VosgesThe “Plateau des Mille Etangs”Fougerolles and Val d’Ajol ValleysBallons of Franche-ComtéVosgian ValleysHaut-Rhin ValleysWine-growing FoothillsNatural HeritageForestsOrchardsHigh StubbleLakes, Ponds, PeatlandsRavines, Cliffs and Scree SlopesCalcareous GrasslandsLocal Products and CraftsmanshipThe Park Certification LabelDrink ProducersThe Granite IndustryThe Wood IndustryMeat ProducersMedicinal and Aromatic PlantsMineral and Natural Spring WatersFruit and VegetablesProductsFougerolles Orchards and KirschFish FarmingVosgian Cattle BreedCheesesSmall Fruit, Aromatic and Medicinal PlantsAlsatian WineSmoked Meats and AndouillesFarmhouse-InnsFarm ShopsCraftsmanshipTextileGraniteLava SandstoneWood industryFarm MarketsCultural HeritageThermal HeritageIndustrial HeritageFarmsCountry of Art and HistoryReligious HeritageIntangible Cutural HeritageHeritage and MemoryCastlesThematic Roads and TracksTourist RoutesTreetop Adventure ParkBarefoot TrailsEnvironment Awareness StructuresParks and Botanical GardensMuseums and Heritage SitesThermal BathsVenues for Shows, Exhibitions and FestivalsAt the Park DoorsColmarRemiremontBelfortLureMulhouseLuxeuil-les-BainsSaint-Dié-des-VosgesNature activitiesSylvotherapyNordic WalkingGuided Walks and Discovery trailsLandscape walks along the Crest RoadA Farm, A HikePedestrian HikesClub Vosgien / Club Alpin (Vosgian / Alpine Clubs)Reception Centres for Educational StaysTrail RunningMountain Biking and Cyclo-TourismEquine ActivitiesClimbingHang GlidingAeromodelismFishingWater SportsWinter ActivitiesNature staysCamping in Nature‘Valeurs Parc’ certified Furnished Accommodation and GuesthousesHotels and restaurantsThe Ballons des Vosges Park is dedicated to promoting short tours as well as local produce and craftsmanship.In the Fougerolles area, tall trunk cherry trees are part of the heritage and date back from the seventeenth century. Kirsch was already produced back then, but it wasn’t until the early nineteenth century that distillery farms combining cherry production with polyculture-breeding appeared. Today, the geographical area of the “Kirsch de Fougerolles” AOC (labelled in May 2010) counts more than 10,000 cherry trees – among which 90% on Fougerolles territory. The cherry trade counts a hundred or so producers; a dozen among them distil on the farm, in 4 distilleries and in a shop of farmers-producers. Cherry tree culture and kirsch production are essential in the cultural and landscape identity of Fougerolles. High-trunk orchards also shelter many birds as farming practices remain extensive; meadow-orchards are mainly used for pastures. The old cherry varietal diversity is striking, with up to 50 species bearing meaningful names such as the Béchat, Jean Blanc, Chapendu, Marie-Jean Diaude or Tinette, each suited to the soil and micro-climate – therefore stretching harvest periods or improving pollination.To better appreciate the farmer-distillers’ craftsmanship and history spanning across several centuries, the Cherry Land Ecomuseum in Fougerolles proposes guided tours.