There are 58 regional natural parks in France (56 in metropolitan France and two in the overseas territories). Territorial projects are developed around these Parks where heritage preservation is at the service of local development.

Natural Regional Parks were created to preserve and promote inhabited rural areas. The “Natural Regional Park” classification concerns territories that are mostly rural, with quality yet sensitive landscapes, natural environments and cultural heritage.

Natural Regional Parks implement actions in relation with the 5 Missions defined by Decree:

  • Natural and cultural heritage protection and preservation, notably via environment- and landscape-friendly management policies;
  • Town and country planning, defining and guiding planning programmes;
  • Economic and social development, leading and coordinating economic and social actions for a sustained quality of life on the territory; the Parks supports environmentally responsible companies that promote its natural and human resources;
  • Hospitality, public information and awareness programmes. The Parks provide a privileged access to nature, while raising public awareness on environmental issues;
  • Experiments and research. The Parks are involved in research programmes, aimed at introducing new procedures and methods of action.

A Registered Trademark

Natural Regional Park Territories are classified by decree and awarded the “Natural Regional Park” Label. The “Natural Regional Park” Label is granted by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy for twelve years. The primary purpose of this registered trademark is to promote an image of quality in relation with heritage preservation and promotion actions led on this territory by all members. The “Natural Regional Park” Label identifies classified territories and actions led by the Park Management.